Professional Cleaning Services of Georgia

Frequently asked questions


Service FAQs

  • 1. What is your payment process?

    Once you schedule your appointment, you will be emailed your invoice the day prior to your appointment. The full invoice amount will be due the day of your service. You can pay your invoice through your invoice using debit or credit. Note: Checks are not accepted for Residential Services.

  • 2. Is a deposit required for services?

    Yes, a $50 good faith security deposits is required for all services. Once you receive your invoice via email, you can pay your security deposit via invoice. Your remaining balance is due the day of your service after your service is completed. Security deposits are refundable if you cancel your appointment within 4 hours of your scheduled appointment. We can be reached 24 hours if you need to cancel your appointment.

  • 3. Are there any late fees?

    Yes, a 10% late fee is added to your full invoice amount for every day late. After 7 days late, court proceeding will be filed.

  • 4. What is your refund policy?

    For any reason that you're not satisfied with our service, Professional Cleaning Services of Georgia, LLC. offers a 24 hour satisfaction guarantee. Contact our office within 24 hours and we will send someone out to make corrections to your service.

  • 5. What can I expect at the time of my cleaning?

    Once our staff arrive, they will do a walk through and take before pictures for verification of the service requested. After the service is completed, our staff will take after pictures for completed service verification.

  • 6. Do I need to be home at the time of service, or during the time of service?

    No. When you schedule your appointment, let our staff know that you're not going to be home. We will need instructions on how to access entry to your home and how to secure your property once our staff leave.

  • 7. May I hire your staff directly?

    No.  However, you may choose a regular staff person and we can build your future schedule and pair you with the staff person of your choice.

  • 8. Do you give invoice receipts?

    Yes, every client receives an invoice that will allow you to pay for your service(s) that you can keep for your records.

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